What We Offer

Your Top-Rated Dentist in Coconut Creek, FL


We dedicate our time to understand every patient and cater to their specific needs at Coconut Creek Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry. To explore how Dr. Emmy Estenoz' team can assist you in achieving a healthier smile, schedule a dental appointment in Coconut Creek, Florida, by reaching out at 954-642-2203. Experience the benefits of our treatments at Coconut Creek Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry.


Invisalign is the modern and elegant way of straightening teeth without the use of braces or wires. Still look and feel your best whilst taking care of your health.

Dental Implants

Implants, known for their strength and permanence, offer a reliable solution for replacing failed or missing teeth, providing natural functionality and aesthetics for a confident smile.

Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that restores a decayed, broken, weak or worn-down tooth. This is a great way to improve your smile and health.

Smile Design

The procedure is tailored to your unique preferences and facial features, ensuring not only a beautiful, symmetrical, and whiter smile but a customized outcome that complements your individuality.

Dental Dentures

Our dentures goes beyond functionality, providing a comfortable and natural-looking solution that not only restores eating function but also rejuvenates your overall oral aesthetics, giving you a confident and complete smile.

Exam & X-Rays

Our thorough examination and advanced X-ray technology enable precise insights, ensuring personalized care for a healthier, brighter smile.

Dental Emergency

We are here to provide immediate care and relief, ensuring that your oral health is in safe hands during unexpected situations. Contact us at (954) 642-2203 to receive swift assistance from our dedicated team.

Teeth Whitening

Invisalign is the modern and elegant way of straightening teeth without the use of braces or wires. Still look and feel your best whilst taking care of your health.


Thin, custom-made shells applied to the front surface of teeth, concealing imperfections and transforming smiles with a natural-looking, durable solution for enhanced aesthetics and confidence.

Oral Surgery

Encompasses a range of procedures addressing issues like impacted teeth, jaw misalignments, and facial trauma, providing solutions that restore oral function and contribute to overall health and well-being.

Sedation Dentistry

Employs various techniques to help patients relax during dental procedures, ensuring a comfortable and anxiety-free experience, ultimately promoting better oral health and overall well-being.


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Serving Patients In and Around Coconut Creek, FL!

Our Florida clinic is thoughtfully designed to enhance comfort and ensure you feel at ease.