Sedation Dentistry in Coconut Creek

Nitrous (Laughing Gas) & Oral Conscious

Nitrous Oxide - Nitrous oxide is a colorless and odorless gas that is administered alongside oxygen through a gas mask that is inhaled by the patient. Nitrous oxide has a quick onset so the effects of the sedative will be felt almost immediately. The effects of nitrous oxide include feeling very relaxed, euphoric, and giddy. 

Some people may experience fits of laughter which is why it is nicknamed laughing gas. Nitrous oxide works by slowing down the brain and body’s responses. While nitrous oxide is considered an extremely safe and mild sedative, some patients may experience visual and auditory hallucinations or an inability to think straight. 

The only necessary preparation for nitrous oxide is to fast for 2 hours before the treatment. Once the treatment is done, Dr. Bonner Morren will flood the mask with oxygen and the sedative will wear off quickly, within a few minutes.

Oral Conscious Sedation - Oral conscious sedation involves taking an anti-anxiety pill an hour before your dental appointment which will help to reduce dental anxiety and cause feelings of calmness. You will not be able to drive to or from your appointment, so you must arrange for rides on the day of your treatment. 

Oral conscious sedation takes longer to kick in than nitrous oxide and can be a mild or moderate sedative depending on the dosage of the medication. Oral conscious sedation will cause drowsiness but you will still be fully conscious. If you receive a larger dose, you may fall asleep in the dental chair but it won’t be difficult to wake you up.

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

Dental sedation is generally considered safe, with varying risks depending on factors like the sedation level, individual medical history, and response to sedation. Nitrous oxide, often regarded as the safest and least invasive, is commonly used, especially with children to induce relaxation and cooperation. Higher sedation levels carry increased risks, but when administered by a well-trained and licensed professional who has assessed your medical history, safety concerns are minimal. Coconut Creek Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry will closely monitor vital signs throughout the treatment and is prepared to address any complications by reversing the effects of sedation.

Wear Off?


The duration of sedation can vary based on factors such as the type used. Nitrous oxide has a quick onset and diminishes within minutes, allowing for a prompt return to normal activities. Oral sedation, involving prescribed medication, lasts longer, often extending for several hours, necessitating a responsible adult for transportation.

For more intricate procedures requiring deep sedation or general anesthesia, recovery times may be extended. Intravenous administration requires supervised recovery until effects fully dissipate. Individual responses to sedation can differ, influenced by factors like age and overall health. Coconut Creek Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry will evaluate your specific situation, offering personalized guidance and recovery instructions.

Will I feel any pain while under Sedation?

Dental procedures under sedation are typically painless, with patients possibly feeling some pressure and movement but no pain. If any pain is experienced during sedation, it's crucial to promptly notify your dentist. Open communication about concerns or past experiences with pain during dental procedures enables the dentist to customize sedation and anesthesia protocols to your specific needs, ensuring a pain-free experience.


Sedation Dentistry?

You will usually receive instructions to refrain from consuming food and beverages for a specified duration before the procedure. This precaution is essential for your safety and to prevent complications during sedation. Strict adherence to these instructions is crucial, as the consumption of food or drinks can disrupt the sedation process and potentially impact the procedure. Your dentist will provide clear guidelines and a specific timeline for fasting, and it's important to follow them for a seamless and successful sedation experience.

Best Solution?


If you face dental anxiety, you're not alone, as many individuals feel uneasy about dental visits. Fortunately, dental sedation provides an effective solution to alleviate anxiety and enhance your comfort during dental procedures.

Sedation dentistry offers varying levels of relaxation, catering to different anxiety levels and procedure complexities. Whether it's mild sedation, deep sedation, or general anesthesia, there are options to suit your specific needs.

Choosing dental sedation provides a sense of calm and tranquility during appointments. Carefully administered sedative medications induce relaxation and alleviate anxiety, enabling you to undergo necessary dental treatments stress-free.

Dental sedation is also beneficial for those with a sensitive gag reflex, difficulty sitting still for extended periods, or a low pain threshold. It can make lengthy procedures feel more manageable, ultimately improving the overall dental experience.

Openly discussing your dental anxiety with your dentist is crucial. They will assess your individual needs and recommend the most suitable sedation option for you. With dental sedation, you can overcome anxiety and receive essential dental care in a relaxed environment.


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